Sunday 9 September 2012

Using IM for discussion

The purpose of email:

  • see a list of messages in your mailbox, showing the senders name, the subject of the message, and the date and time it was sent.
  • select individual messages to view
  • compose messages with a subject heading and textual content, and send them to any other email address
  • add attachments to mails and save attachments from mails (binary files of almost any type).

How well it meets these purpose:

It meets the purposes perfectly beacuse its very easy to use.

The benefits and drwbacks of using email:

Benefits :
  • Very fast to use
  • Can copy same email to large numbers of people
  • perment record of communication
  • At a simple level people send inappropriate messages.
  • people spoof others addresses
  • trojans, viruses and worms can be attached very easily.

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