A long time ago it was thought that strength is the most important quality a human should incounter, well atleast were i come from that was the case. But nowadays that has changed, intellegince and money is what makes people become higher in his/her communtiy nowadays, and i honestly disagree. I dnt believe that people with certin qualitys are the ones who should become more noticed, i believe it is the ones who incounter all the good qualitys are the ones who should be recognized. Qualitys like honesty, wisdom, strenght, intellegince, good manners ........etc. Although it is almost impposible to really find someone that has all the good qualitys known to mankind as there is no complete human being, but people that "almost" have all the good qualitys are the ones who should be recognized. As sad as this may sound but real life has turned into a monoply, it is those who have the greatest amount of money nowadys that control everything and i really hope, for the sake of our earth that this will change one day.
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