Tuesday 18 September 2012

How ICT has affected our lives !

Ict has played a big role in the develpoment of our lives. Ict tools are now being used worldwide, they have helped us save time, effort and money. Examples of Ict tools are :
  • GPS
  • Laptops
  • Mobile phones
  • PDA
  • Music players
I highly recommmend the usage of these tools as they will help us live in a more advanced and develpoed world. These tools can also help save lives and can help emergency services to get to there places on time.

Sunday 16 September 2012

Making use of online services

Downloading from the internet helps save time and money. Me and my family relie more on buying online than buying the actual physical good. Amongst many things that we have bought, music was the most popular. Buying the original albums online helped us save time from going to stores and searching for the album we needed. And besides, online purchasing has proven to be much more cheaper  than buying online. Movies are also amongst other things that we buy online. The internet has a wide variety of them with great downloading speeds.

Despite all the pros of buying online, there is also a lot of bad things to it. Phishing and Pharming are increasingly becoming more and more popular by the days. These days its very difficult to know if what your purchasing online is really true and is not some blank file. Illegal downloading is also becoming a bigger issue these days, as no one buys legal copy's of what they want anymore. This way they can enable themselves to  save more money and time.  

All About The SE Asian Tsunami

The SE Asian tsunami that took place in 2004 was proven to be one of the worst in history. The tsunami triggered a series of devastating tsunamis along the coasts of most landmasses bordering the Indian Ocean, killing over 230,000 people in fourteen countries, and inundating coastal communities with waves up to 30 meters high. This tsunami has proven that there are lots of forms in witch information can presented. The most common form in witch information was presented was through the internet. People all around the world mainly used social media websites in order to keep people in track of what was really happening with the countries that were struck. Another form in witch information was presented was on the tv. News stations kept the world in the latest updates of what was happening and kept people alert of what was to come.

The sharing of information in this incident was spectacular. The speed and efficiency of the information shared between loved ones and the victims of the tsunami helped save hundreds of life's. Most victims relied on mobile phones and texting with there loved ones. Internet was also used in places of coverage. News reporters relied on global networking to help send day to day updates to their stations in order to keep people reassured and up to date.
The interaction between individuals and organizations also helped save hundreds of life's. Internet was used by local towns struck by the tsunami in-order to inform organizations like the UN and many others about there status and helped keep them up to date. Organizations also set up websites in order to keep in touch with the towns struck and in order to know the exact places of people in need of help. Through these organizations, family members of victims were also notified about there loved ones and were kept in the loop of the actions that were taking place.

Virtual communities become really popular after this tragic incident. People became more relied on these communities in order to keep in touch with the outside world. Virtual communities like Face Book helped raise money for the victims and there family's and many more. The point is that there is a lot of great and efficient ways to communicate with the outside world and most of witch can be a help to the society by bringing in people together and can help save millions of life's like proven in the SE Asian tsunami.

Furthermore a lot of services were offered in time of the tsunami. Services like charity's were set up through the net in order to help the victims of the tsunamis to get there lives back together. Online social medias kept family's stuck together and helped them to feel more secured. Certain websites were used to show people the status of what was really happening. Finally emails played a big role as they enabled the victims to send messages to local organizations or governments of their current locations in order to be saved.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Flash Learning

Flash learning gives students the ability to interact with the video. You can do all sorts of actions like play, pause and even rewind. It also works with many applications so compatibility is not a problem. It is a very organized way of learning and gives the student a more easier way of learning as well as fun. The learning concept is very unique and so it helps the student remember it quickly.

Macromedia - eLearning Presentations

Macromedia - eLearning Presentations

The site gives students a chance to experience a classroom environment in the comfort of their own homes and can participate and share in peoples opinions. The site also provides a recorded seminar threw witch students can actually choose what teaching styles their are most comfortable with. 

Net Frog 2002: On line dissection Index

Net Frog 2002: On line dissection Index

This site gives an online step by step tutorial in to dissecting a frog and describes the actual experience. It also saves time for other areas of work within the education level.

Making the Modern World - Learning Modules

Making the Modern World - Learning Modules

The purpose of this site is to provide educational assistance to A level students about communication and forms of communication. The site does meet its purpose be being very clear with the information it provides. It contains a very clear guide step to get from one information to the other. But on the other hand the usage of colors in the site is to simple and can misdirect its user.

The lessons it teaches us about online education is that education doesn't necessarily have to be all about books, long hours of reading and researching in libraries. It can be very simple and easy to find and can be very enjoyable.